Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Back to the Pavillion!!

We are going back home. I am excited and anxious at the same time.

Going back to live in the city (and the same neighbourhood) where you spent most of your life should not be a big deal, after all familiarity is what we always crave for.
But I have not been home (other than on vacations) since early 2001 and since then i have changed a whole lot and so has everybody and everything back home.

I am more excited than anxious about going home. I will be surrounded by the people i love, ok they will all be in my face but yet to know that i will be around just in case they need me. One good thing is that even though both me and my husband are the sentimental types, this move is a practical one.
Nothing in life remains constant, as soon as you get comfy in life, something will change. So i guess this is just the beginning.

It is going to be fun, i am looking forward to it.


Blogger Someone Somewhere Out There said...

I'm so happy for you. You know, all the people who talk about going back home and somehow never end up doing it. .Im glad you stuck to your decision and never lost focus of it. I know how happy you will be living your family life the way you did growing up, surrounded by love and support. It really makes all the difference.

12:14 PM  

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