Sunday, August 20, 2006

Post script

I just nearly wrote a PS in an e-mail. Why would I do that??? In a letter, yes, I can understand but in an e-mail its just a matter of punching the 'enter' key and inserting a line.

Slowly all the letter writing rules that we learnt in school are gonna be useless. There is no need to write the date, place or return address anymore. Do they teach E-mail etiquette in school these days? I can almost hear Ms. D'souza's voice "Three parts in a letter, introduction, main content and conclusion............"


Blogger brij said...

I do write P.s in the mails. Somehow i always connect P.S to the feeling that "hey, there's just one more thing I want to tell you"
Guess i am just a romantic for the old style:)

12:02 PM  

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