Wednesday, June 14, 2006

General update

Have not written for a while now. Have nothing much to write about.
Its a cloudy, rainy afternoon and I am tired of surfing various job sites looking for something suitable so might as well update the few people who read my blog about whats going on in my life.
It finally started raining in Pune today. Its been a real hot few days.. now looks like Mother Earth is going to cool down a bit.
Today is my mom's birthday, got a big black forest cake for her which I am looking forward to devouring hehehe Mom is very happy that both her daughters (and sons-in-law) are going to be at dinner with her today. But of course my neice thinks it is her birthday and I am sure she is the one who is going to cut the cake.
One of my best friends got married last week. It was fun. Marriages are always fun for the others...the poor bride and groom where stuck in rituals all day long. Its ok i guess I had to do it as well.
Hubby is enjoying his job. He is really busy and he likes it. I am glad he sticks to the official work timings.

Cannot believe that two weeks ago we were living in the US. Its like we never left Pune.


Blogger brij said...

The secret of Indian marriage rituals is that they completely dissuade anyone from wanting to go through it again:)

12:05 PM  

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