Friday, May 12, 2006


I know that reality shows do wonders for TV ratings. There are shows that pick out singers, dancers, skaters, models, chefs and your true love. Shows that follow clueless rich spoilt brats into rural areas. I mean the list is endless, silly and vain. And the viewer is glued to the television set forgetting their own reality and trying to live someone else's life. A life that is shot in soft light, coiffured and fake.
All this nonsense was ok, until I saw this show. C and I were just surfing through the channels (he was, I was just getting upset) and we watched the conclusion of the show. I could not believe what I was seeing and hearing. It was a show that picked out the best trash talker!!! I could not even begin to say all that was wrong with it. There were a bunch of youngsters in weird clothes spewing garbage from their mouth in a language they called English! And the guy who could slander the best won!

What is wrong with the TV channel executives?? Is there absolutely no limit to which one will stoop for ratings? I can keep raving and ranting about this show.. but I am going to save my breath because apparently it is just a simple equation of demand and supply. But it just makes me want to SCREAM!!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you wait till you reach india. You will be surpirised with what indians are now expecting on their tv.

and people say i dont keep myself updated on TV

12:21 PM  

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