Monday, October 23, 2006

Its been two months since I wrote my last blog. Its not that I have not found things to write about its just that I have not found the time to do so. During the day i'd make a note of so many things that I wanted to write about but never did. Now its too late to recollect all those incidents and write.

On thursday I start a new job. Was working with an NGO till now and it was good while it lasted. Met a lot of interesting people. Read a lot of strange cases. Put my life into perspective. I really really count my blessings now. Met hardened criminals, ruthless husbands and abused children. It was heartbreaking to tell them that we could not help them, one could actually see the hope in their eyes disappear.
Met social workers who continously and tirelessly work for the good of society. Met others who did hardly anything and were all over the papers and the television. Figured out that education does not make one a decent human being does not even ensure normal humane morals and values.

There are a lot of gross people in the world. Thank god the people around me are sane.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, that was one of the things I realized when I was volunteering as well. The horror stories out there, oh man. There are some really insane people in this world ,and we are so lucky to just have the basic things that we do.
Ah well.
See you in a bit :)

12:13 PM  
Blogger Sandgroper said...

I bet those people too were sane once upon a time. It's just their life experiences that have turned them into what they are.

At least you now have the perspective and shouldn't repeat the mistakes that these people made should you (God forbid) have to go through the same life experiences.

8:00 PM  
Blogger Meghna said...

Glad to see you're posting again. It's great that you are in a position that can potentially affect lots of positive change.

11:00 PM  

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