Monday, May 29, 2006

Last night we went for a movie. Before the movie they played the national anthem. Apparently, they always do. Everyone stood still. Some sang along. It was wonderful.

Friday, May 26, 2006

One of the first things C said this morning was "Hey look, its a gorgeous day, prefect to go to India!"

Isn't it always??

Thursday, May 25, 2006

I just called a friend to give her condolences. She lost her only sibling to cancer.They knew the end was coming, but they thought he had a few more months. To say her family is distraught does not suffice. How can you take solace in anything when you lose your only son/ brother/husband? How do you get on with life when you lose part of yourself?? I did not know what to say to her. I had rehearsed a few lines. But I did not need to say anything, she was just glad that she had her friends to talk to. At such times we need to pray for the family left behind.
He was a brave guy. And like his little nephew said, Uncle A is a star now.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

When C and I first announced to our friends that we were moving back to our hometown for good we got a lot of different reactions. Our close friends said they'd miss us and we miss them too. But lot of people (all immigrants like us) said "I wish I had the guts to do that". I found that strange. It is a difficult decision to make but its not like we are going to settle down on the Moon.

Is change so terrifying that it keeps us from doing the things we really want to do???

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Strange names..

How are cities/towns named? Normally they are named after famous people, historic events etc. So how did this town get it's name. What could be the history behind calling your town Kickapoo?? hehehe...

Friday, May 12, 2006


I know that reality shows do wonders for TV ratings. There are shows that pick out singers, dancers, skaters, models, chefs and your true love. Shows that follow clueless rich spoilt brats into rural areas. I mean the list is endless, silly and vain. And the viewer is glued to the television set forgetting their own reality and trying to live someone else's life. A life that is shot in soft light, coiffured and fake.
All this nonsense was ok, until I saw this show. C and I were just surfing through the channels (he was, I was just getting upset) and we watched the conclusion of the show. I could not believe what I was seeing and hearing. It was a show that picked out the best trash talker!!! I could not even begin to say all that was wrong with it. There were a bunch of youngsters in weird clothes spewing garbage from their mouth in a language they called English! And the guy who could slander the best won!

What is wrong with the TV channel executives?? Is there absolutely no limit to which one will stoop for ratings? I can keep raving and ranting about this show.. but I am going to save my breath because apparently it is just a simple equation of demand and supply. But it just makes me want to SCREAM!!!!!!

Thought for the day

Kismet pe nahi roneka
Calender badalte rehneka

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Is this growing up???

We are 7 of us. We grew up together. All my childhood memories include all of them and all the great times we had. There is a huge age difference between us but it did not matter. We fought a lot and had our differences. But now that I am grown up I realize those were all trivial and silly and what we shared was indeed very special. Not many people have so many of their loved ones around them.
During the summers we would enact silly plays and have fancy dress competitions. Every festival, birthday and family function we’d get together and eat and eat till we could not move. We have too many memories to even enumerate.
Now all of us are grown up. All married, ‘settled’ all have kids (other than me). But during the years something happened. Something that I do not like. The differences are not so petty or trivial now. I do not know if they are just blown out of proportion or if it is really serious. I am told it is really serious. Can’t we just kiss and make up like we used to? We are supposed to be more mature and sensible now than we were 20 years ago so shouldn’t it be easier now? I guess then our moms would tell us to apologize and put it behind us, after all its family. Our moms do not say it anymore. It hurts.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Subtle reminders

The other day I went out for lunch with a friend of mine, J. We were having a good time catching up and enjoying the food. Our server (it seems the term waitress is degrading) came to our table a couple of times to check if everything was ok and she would not talk to me but only to J. So the time came to pay the bill and as I was buying lunch I put my credit card in the folder. The server came back knowing that I had put in the card told J that they did not accept that particular card and I said "Oh that's ok, here is another" she thanked J and walked away.
By this time, J was quite upset as to why the server was not paying any attention to me and talked only to her. I just shrugged my shoulders and said that's her problem not mine.
I guess i should mention that J is an american and I am not.
J and I had a good time at lunch and I guess it was because I did not allow the 'incident' to get to me. Such things happen you cannot change the way people think and behave. There have been subtle reminders that I am different but no one has been mean or rude to me, so frankly it does not make my blood boil. I do not know if this is the right attitude but its just easier not to get too mad at such stuff.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


This is an restroom in LA that my cousin and I chanced upon. The scene was soooo hilarious we just had to take a picture.
I hope it inspires some comments.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Best friends.

The other day I was talking to my 7 year old neice about her day. She told me how she spent the entire day with her friend, Shibu. So I asked her if Shibu was a best friend. She said no. So, naturally, i asked her what her the name of her best pal was. Her answer really surprised me. She told me her best friend was herself. She further explained that all her other friends fought all time with their 'best' friends and she never fought with herself. So it was just easier being her own best friend.

I wish I had that much wisdom when I was 7 it would have saved me a lot of time and effort.
The little one is a smart cookie.